“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it”.
Proverbs 22:6
The bible declares that our children are like arrows soon to be released from our families into this world. It is God’s desire for each of them to hit the target of His will for their lives.
Here at LTWI, we believe God has created each child for a specific purpose and to have a specific impact on the world with their lives. Our responsibility is to seek God for an understanding of the call that is on each child’s life and to develop, equip and encourage them in their formative years to pray, worship and know Jesus so when they get older they will not depart.
LTWI Kidz consists of two groups:

Little Lambs is the ministry where children ages 2 and 3 years old are introduced to Jesus by utilizing teaching tools, such as Arts & Crafts, storytelling, and animated videos. They are ministered to in a secure, fun and God-loving environment. Their class takes place every Sunday in the main sanctuary’s classroom #2.

Fruit of the Spirit ministers to boys and girls ages Pre-K to First Grade. They are taught the Word of God, utilizing teaching techniques, such as Arts & Crafts, biblical storytelling, animated videos, puppets and animated characters. Their class takes place every Sunday in our main sanctuary (classroom #3) during our 9:00 AM worship service.
First time?
Look for the LTWI Kidz Check-In area at the Welcome Desk. You’ll be greeted by a joyful LTWI Kidz ministry servant who will be eager to meet your family. We’ll be there every step of the way to get your kids checked in.
Because we value safety, we’ll need some information during this check-in time, including family member’s name and birthday, child’s name and birthday, home address, email address, phone number, and any special instructions (allergies, etc.).