Our Pastors
Lawrence, Sr. & Chiquita Weathersby
Pastors Lawrence and Chiquita are the founding and Senior Pastors of Living the Word International. LTWI is a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, non-denominational Christian church, located in Slidell, Louisiana. Born and raised in New Orleans, they began pastoring in Slidell in 2003 and become permanent residents after Hurricane Katrina. In August 2006, the Lord called them to launch LTWI. Pastors Lawrence & Chiquita have been married for forty-one years and are the proud parents of Holly W. Bates, Lawrence T. Weathersby, Jr., son-in-love, Reginald Bates, Sr., and daughter-in-love, Brandi P. Weathersby. Our pastors are also the proud grandparents of Reginald, Jr., Hailey, Ryan, and Rylan Bates.
The call on Pastor Lawrence and Pastor Chiquita (affectionately referred to by the LTWI family as Pastor Quita) is to teach God’s Word through practical and relevant illustrations. This enables people on all levels to see, hear, and understand the will of God for their lives so they can live victoriously. The anointing of God is evident on their lives through the teachings that are reaching people on all levels of education and economic status, while crossing the lines of age, race and religious denominations. God has also graced our pastors with the ability to minister encouragement to the family unit, especially marriages.