

Our vision is to empower people of every nation to become living epistles read of all men, thereby building strong families, vibrant communities, and spirit-led churches, fulfilling the Word of God. This we shall do by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, demonstrating His love, and by LIVING THE WORD!


A church that embraces diversity. All are welcome, no matter their race, ethnic background, economic standing, or past.

A church whose primary goal is to demonstrate the love of Christ to everyone we encounter.

A church that freely worships God and embraces the presence of the Holy Spirit.

A church that is intentional about learning God’s Word and developing a deeper relationship with Him.

A church that ministers to children, teens, and adults, equipping them to be strong, vibrant, and loving families.

A church that operates in integrity and displays a spirit of excellence in everything we do.

A church with a strong sense of community, where meaningful relationships are developed and enriched.

A church that is dedicated to meeting the needs of our local community, nation, and world in any way we can.


To encourage everyone we encounter to live the Word so the Word can live through them. In doing so, we will make disciples who will go out and make other disciples of Jesus Christ.